Have you set your finances now? If not let's start now to organize your finances using TARGET. Money is very important for your life today and the future.The key to success in marriage and household not only love alone. But finance is also one of the important things in your household. Financial issues are sensitive, therefore money is often a source of contention between husband and wife.
Not a few couples become stressed in handling finances. Without a financial plan is compact and without working together, you and your partner may never able to achieve the desired financial dreams. As reported by the About, it helps if you and your partner start a financial plan is compact and managing finances in a marriage together.
The main key to run properly that is the effective communication between you and your partner. Not only that, you also need to participate in both the planning and the financial outlay. Develop a financial plan carefully and honestly. Steps that can be taken is to make a priority, purpose of use, and make a list of expenses for each month.
All major decisions such as buying a house, having children and a selection of jobs to be created and based on the decision together. Additionally you need to think about long-term goals and your partner, such as for retirement later.
All major decisions such as buying a house, having children and a selection of jobs to be created and based on the decision together. Additionally you need to think about long-term goals and your partner, such as for retirement later.
Money matters is not only sensitive to the husband and wife, but also complicated. How to avoid conflict due to a prolonged affair this one?. Sensitive issue. The issue of money is the most sensitive issue and one of the forerunner to the classic fights. Talk about money at tabunya to talk about sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that most wives are reluctant to discuss these issues openly with her husband. In fact, an estimated one-quarter to one-third of domestic life problems derived from financial problems.
Well for that you have to be smart to manage or manage your finances well. Well for those of you who want to know how to manage finances let's follow these tips to better manage your finances;
- Make Expenditures and Revenue; Make a list of expenses and income is one of the easiest ways to manage your finances. So you can know more expenses or income that you spend each month.
- Arrange financial plan or budget; planner that will make you mature in managing household finances.
- Avoid owe; Often we decided to go into debt when we are not able to manage finances. But avoid owes because it will add to your problems in later life.
- Start investing; final step to manage your finances and guard against unexpected costs is by investing. It is highly recommended to manage finances, especially financial planning for long-term household
For those of you who are building a family, of course, want to have a happy relationship, free from financial problems. Here are five strategies that can be tried;
- Define what you want and how to achieve it; When you do this, sit down and talked about it with friends. You can get together to discuss how each expenditure patterns and financial plan as to what is suitable for living.
- Having a joint account, have a separate bank account, could make a couple of mutual suspicion and tend to hide things from each other. Marriage can be problematic when it is done. Therefore make joint account. Previous first decide what the money will be put into the account. We recommend that you create two accounts, special accounts for significant expenditures and account for fun.
- Use Ancient Ways, Save Money in envelope; For certain purposes, such as buying gifts or shopping, you can use the old-fashioned way by saving money in the envelope. This method is less modern, but quite effective. By saving money in envelopes according to the amount required, you become nothing more wasteful than carrying a credit card or debit card.
- Make Agreement; agreement that you and your partner need to be more disciplined in carrying out financial planning that has been made. In any written agreement and hope you and your husband's plans. Then write also what to do if one of the pair breaking.
Then there are some things that need to be considered in the management of family finances;
Complete to gether. But, of course, there is no problem that can not be resolved. Even this money problem., Here are some ways you can try to prevent the problem of money in order not to develop into a prolonged conflict between husband and wife.
- Trying to open another. Try to open in discussing finances with your partner. Discuss together what the anxiety of each in relation to money. Try not to make unilateral judgment before, and listen to what is being said partner carefully.
- Respecting individual privacy. While talking about money should be open, but try to keep the couple will appreciate the need privacy. Appreciate couples desire to save some money for personal needs and hobbies, for example. Give your husband a chance to occasionally buy a Compact Disc or favorite cigars every month, as long as it is determined as a course. You also of course still want to continue gathering at the mall hottest in your city with your friends instead? Do not hesitate to communicate these wishes to your husband .
- Defining a common goal. What is important in a conversation about money is what the main priorities to be accomplished in the family. For example, if the family prioritize children's education, they begin to estimate how much money is needed for education so years into the future, and how much money should be set aside from the start this time. Understanding is to clarify and simplify the family finances.
- Find the value of money for the couple. Try to understand your partner to find the meaning of money for him. Money can be a symbol of needs and expectations that are often not revealed, but the potential to create conflict. American psychiatrist, Ruth Ann Turkel, said that in order to understand the value of money for someone can be seen in the background of his life.
Feel what a partner. Sometimes it is also necessary at times couples exchanging roles. For example, if your regular household shopping needs, once in a while let your partner are shopping. Who knew he really did not know the price of a box of disposable diapers, or the price of a can of milk, for example. In this way he is increasingly understood that the prices of basic commodities are getting higher, in addition to troublesome find parking outside the supermarket or hypermarket
Fair in sharing. If you and your spouse both work, make payment of the household division fairly. For example, you pay school fees, salaries maid and pay the phone bill. While your spouse pay the mortgage, the monthly expenditure and electricity bills.
Ask the expert. Now a lot of financial experts that provides services to help manage the family finances. An expert would have to see the financial problems in families with a more objective manner. If you feel the need, why not use their services if financial problems in the family seemed more complicated? Of course you should strive to find a good family financial expert and trustworthy. (Good Luck)
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