Banyak eBook yang menawarkan cara untuk bisa mendapatkan pengunjung blog yang melimpah tiap hari. Tapi buat apa pengunjung blog yang banyak tiap hari kalau hanya sekedar penasaran dengan judul atau artikel yang kita postingkan..?
Pengunjung yang penasaran adalah pengunjung yang hanya ingin tahu dengan artikel yang dibuat dengan judul yang membuat penasaran. Sedangkan menurutku blog dibuat untuk menarik pengunjung dan juga bisa menarik pengunjung terhadap bisnis yang kita tawarkan di blog kita.
Jadi menurutku, dalam menarik pengunjung untuk mengunjungi blog kita haruslah kita cari target pengunjung yang mempunyai ketertarikan terhadap artikel yang kita buat dan juga tertarik dengan apa yang kita tawarkan di blog kita, bukan hanya pengunjung yang sekedar lewat...hehehehehehe...
Jadi buatlah artikel yang sesuai dengan apa yang kita tawarkan di blog kita, dengan demikian jika ada pengunjung yang tertarik untuk membaca artikel kita dan merasa tertarik juga dengan produk yang kita tawarkan. Dengan demikian artikel yang kita posting dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca, disamping itu juga pembaca berminat terhadap salah satu produk yang kita tawarkan... Good Luck...
Many eBooks are offering ways to get visitors to the blog are abundant every day. But why should the many visitors to the blog every day if only just curious about the title or article that we postingkan ..?
Visitors who are curious visitors who just want to know the title of the article made a curious. While I think the blog is to attract visitors and also to attract visitors to the business that we offer on our blog.
So I think, in attracting visitors to visit our blog we should be looking for targeted visitors who have an interest in articles that we make and are also interested in what we offer on our blog, not just visitors who are just passing by ... hehehehehehe ...
So make the articles according to what we offer on our blog, so if there are visitors who are interested in reading our article and are interested in well with the products that we offer. Thus, we post articles that can be useful to the reader, but it is also one of the readers are interested in the products that we offer ... Good Luck
Visitors who are curious visitors who just want to know the title of the article made a curious. While I think the blog is to attract visitors and also to attract visitors to the business that we offer on our blog.
So I think, in attracting visitors to visit our blog we should be looking for targeted visitors who have an interest in articles that we make and are also interested in what we offer on our blog, not just visitors who are just passing by ... hehehehehehe ...
So make the articles according to what we offer on our blog, so if there are visitors who are interested in reading our article and are interested in well with the products that we offer. Thus, we post articles that can be useful to the reader, but it is also one of the readers are interested in the products that we offer ... Good Luck
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