Selasa, 25 September 2012

Forest Preserve We Come

Forests are the lungs of the world that can absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen for life on earth.
Source of environmental degradation occurs as a result over supportive environment that population pressure on land is excessive. Environmental damage was caused or the symptoms alone, therefore prevention of environmental damage itself is merely a systematic response, the countermeasures should be more basic, which means tackling the causes of environmental destruction itself. Because it causes environmental damage in the form of population pressure on natural resources that excess should be addressed.

Frequent burning of forests on lands that large estates have a negative effect on the surrounding forest.
Therefore, the need to avoid opening new land by burning forests. Forest fires can also occur if not careful of fire, do not throw away the remaining cigarettes in place will be a source of fire, burning trash or crop residues in the field without supervision and maintenance can also be a source of fire.

Functions and Benefits of Forests

Forests are life forms that spread throughout the world.
We can find a nice forest in tropical and cold climates, in the lowlands and in the mountains, on a small island and the continent. The forest is a collection of plants, especially trees or other woody plants, which occupy large areas. The advantages are more important to the forest of other natural resources is a natural resource that can be renewed.

Producing Wood Construction;
In forests grow various species of trees that produce timber with different size and quality that can be used for building materials and have high economic value.

Carbon Reserves
; One of the important functions of forests as carbon stocks are in nature because of the carbon stored in the form of vegetation biomass. Over the function / forest land use result in increased emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from combustion and increased mineralization of soil organic matter during land clearance and reduced vegetation as a carbon source.

Habitat for Fauna in the Forest;
Forests are an important habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. Conversion of forests to other forms of land use will reduce the population of flora and fauna that are sensitive so the rate of biodiversity is reduced.

Mines and Mineral Resources More Valuable; Below the forest is often contained valuable minerals are minerals that are beneficial to the necessities of life

Here below is a technique and method that can be used to keep us awake forests from destructive hands of evil.
Encroachment without planning and ethics for profit maximization is dangerous because it can damage natural habitats and animal communities within it.
  1. Prevent shifting means; Sometimes the farmers do not want to bother about the fertility of the soil. They will look for new farmland planted when the soil is not fertile anymore without letting responsibilities neglected and barren fields. Should agricultural land is settled by using manure to fertilize the land unproductive.
  2. Beware Of Fire; Avoid burning trash, throwing cigarette butts, make a campfire, burning bush, throwing torches, and other things that can cause fires. If you light a fire in or near a forest should be supervised and monitored to avoid things worse. Forest fires can damage the health of humans and animals around the scene of the fire as well as distant places even if the smoke carried by strong winds.
  3. Reforestation and Land Bald Selective Logging Methods; combination of these two techniques is something that must be done by the owner sertifikan Forest concessions or rights. The company must lumberjack picking which trees are old enough to cut and size. After win should be followed by a tree planting some tree seedlings to replace the trees felled. The land that has been deforested and destroyed by various things also endeavored implemented reforestation to restore the trees and plants that have been lost.
  4. Placing Rangers; forest Placing security guards are honest and use technology and panoply expected suppress rampant deforestation acts by rogue elements who are not responsible. For forest offenders given strict sanctions and severely punished. Forests are an asset / wealth of a nation that is very valuable must be protected for our children and grandchildren in the future.

Here are some of the efforts that we can do to preserve the forest, which is as follows.
  1. Doing Afforestation; Afforestation is one alternative to the forest preserve. We can replant forests - forests that have been damaged, so that the forest will remain intact existence.
  2. Implementing Selective Cutting System; Government should implement a system of selective cutting in the cutting down of trees. It can reduce illegal logging and in large quantities - scale. Moreover this system is also useful for people not to do any logging.
  3. Applying Cutting System - Planting; System is very useful for forest conservation. Logging system which is then replaced by a forest that has been cut in order to maintain forest existence.
  4. Doing Illegal is Conservative; Illegal logging conservatively is a way to cut down trees that are no longer productif. Do not let young trees felled and productive.
  5. Applying Arbitrary ban Deforestation - treatment and provide a weight penalty for perpetrators.

In addition to the need to preserve the forest, the government should be involved in forest conservation.
The government had lent a hand in the preservation of this forest. Instead, the government also provides severe penalties for the perpetrators, which can make them wary and do not do them anymore mistakes.

Preserving forests is one of the things we have to do.
If the forest is damaged then we will feel the impact. Therefore we must be able to maintain and take care of our forests, as the forest is one natural resource that is essential for our survival.

Cara Cepat Hamil

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